Saturday, January 8, 2011

Childbirth- In My life and Around the World

Write about a personal birthing experience. It can be your own birth, your child's birth, or one you took part in.

Although I have never gave birth to a child, I did go to the hospital with sister to have her first child. It was 6:00 in the morning on December  15, 1997, when my sister and me went to the hospital. My sister had to be put into labor because the baby was a week overdue. It seem like time had stop because it took forever for the medicine to work. Finally, my sister started having contraceptives. When she dilated enough my sister began to push again, and again until she had a regular vaginal delivery. At 3:12 p.m., I welcomed my niece into this world. She was beautiful to me because she had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. Also, I took part in naming her. I chose this example, this is the most special event that I took part in because that day I bonded with my niece and I became a mother, too. Giving birth is the most precious moment a mother can have. It means that God had blessed you with the responsibility to love and care for this child for life. Also, as a parent it is important to help this child to grow and develop to become a productive adult.

In India, I learned that most mothers have their baby delivered at home. This leave to complications that increases mothers death rate tremendously. In addition, pregnant mothers lack the right kind of prenatal care during pregnancy and proper medical care after the baby is born. This does not occur during with my sister because she had her baby in a healthy professional setting with educated and trained doctors and nurses. This comparison helped me to see how blessed and thankful we are as a nation to be able to receive the proper health care needed to deliver a health baby. Also, this helped me to see how much India needs our help to make sure future mothers are receiving the proper medical care needed to eliminate deaths in their country.


  1. It is great you were able to be apart of your nieces birth. I did not have the opportunity to be part of any special births, other then my own, which I need to go by the stories I was told.

  2. Tale,
    Mothers like your sister in the USA are very fortunate to have proper health care which is very important in pre and post natal care. I am glad that you have recognized this and you are grateful because many of us from other parts of the world are not very fortunate.
    I hope your experiences will remain with you for a a long time and you would feel the need to share the expereince with your niece when she is of age.
    Thanks for your sharing!

  3. My younger sister had her child before me and I was by her side the next year I became pregnant and she was by my side. You are right I am glad I live here in United States.Thank you for sharing.
