Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Research Journey

My chosen topic for my simulation is How to help children develop their creativity and imagination through play? Using play in the early childhood classroom would be a fun an exciting way to help young children to develop their imagination while playing. For my experience working in the pre-k classroom most of these children do not know how to use their imagination to learn and have fun. I am hoping following the guide lines in this class for the next eight weeks will help me to be able to help teach these young children what they need to develop their imagination and creative through play. The knowledge that I have gained from this class so far is that research articles have different parts and certain parts do not need to be read, and the five criteria for evaluating web pages are: accuracy, authority, currency, objectivity, and coverage. I would appreciate any advice or resources that would guide me to find help resources for the topic that I have chosen. As this class continue, I am hoping that all of us will have gained a lot of interesting and helpful information in the research process.


  1. I like your topic. I also am a strong believer in having playtime in school. Many young children need to be creative and use their imaginations. I feel that nowadays with the Internet and Television many young children have forgotten how to use their imagination and creativity. My sister has four children (her oldest is 8 and the triplets are 5) and the kids do not watch a lot of televsion. My 8 year old nephew is allowed to use the Internet for half an hour a day, but only with supervision. If my nephew is online for homework, he is allowed more time if he needs it for school because my sister does not want to rush him through his school work.

    If I find any articles I will pass them along to you.

  2. Talae,
    We all know about the value of play in young children's development. Creativity is a kind of play, and play, as Albert Einstein once noted, is "the highest form of research." Through play and its creative qualities,children learn to express their most authentic self and discover who they really are.
    I researched the topic and this is a resource I found which seems to be credible.
    Developing imaginative play in pre-school children as a possible approach to fostering creativity: Early Child Development and Care.

  3. Talae,

    This is a topic that I most enjoy, I try to encourage play, creativity, and imagination everyday. Based on research and article, it is very important that we as educators, teachers, and parents to encourage play.
