Saturday, March 31, 2012

Evaluating Impacts on Professional Practice

Describe in detail the consequences you might expect for children adn families with who you work while you experience specific"-ism(s)" in your own life. Include specific examples either those you have and/or experiencing or ones you would anticipate.

The first ism that I experience personally is that of racism. Personally, while working professionally with white families and children, I have noticed that the white parents prefer to talk to the white teacher when they enter the classroom. In other words, the white parent ignores me completely. Therefore, when a white child enrolls in our classroom, I make sure that the white child sits at the white teacher table. I know that this is a bias that I need to learn to work on. I do not feel comfortable or feels that the parents respect me enough to want to work with their children. Also, the white children treat me the same way because the child told me that I was not her teacher anyway. This made me feel sad. I know that the parents taught the children to treat me this way. Therefore, I do my best to respect the parents and children. As an early childhood educator, I must provide the children with the best education possible.

Another ism that I have experienced is sexism where children are raised by the same-sex families. This type of family is something that goes against my upbringing because I grew up in a heterosexual family which consists of a father, mother, three sisters and one brother. When a children from the same-sex family enters the classroom, I have to remember to keep a straight face and respect this family. All families deserves to be treated equally. Therefore, I am striving to overcome this bias because I am an early childhood professional who must respect, accept, and understand the same-sex families that I encounter through my job. Although, I have no problem working with the children coming from the same-sex family, I just have to overcome my uneasiness when these parents come in the classroom to visit.

It is important that I keep working on these biases which involves racism and sexism. This is the only way I will overcome these biases. This will help me to be able to overlook all biases that will prevent me from helping all children to become productive adults.


  1. Talae,

    It is valuable that you recognize your biases because this is the first step to implementing a plan of change. I am sorry to hear of the treatment that you recieve in your work place. You have the opportunity to make an impact on the children's lives by creating positive memories of interaction with someone who not their race. Also showing your professionalism with the biased families will let them know that you are equally qualified in your work place, and will not be dismissed because of your race. Good luck in the future and thank you for sharing.

  2. Talae,
    It makes me very sad that you experience this racism where you work. It is evident that the parent's biases are transfering to their children. Hopefully having a positive African American leader in their lives will help to dispell those biases both for the parents, and most importantly for their children!
