Saturday, November 27, 2010

Favorite Quotes: Lilian Katz and Edward Zigler, Ph.D

"Each of us must come to care about everyone else's children. We must recognize that the welfare of our children is intimately linked to the welfare of all other people's children. After all, when one of our children needs life-saving surgery, some else's child will perform it. If one of our children is harmed by violence, someone else's child will be responsible for the violent act. The good life for our own children can be secured only if a good secured for all other people's children." Lilian Katz

"Experts generally agree that taking all opportunties to read books and other material aloud to children is the best preparation for their learning to read. The pleasures of being read to are far more likely to strengthen a child's desire to learn to read than are repetitions of sounds, alphabet drills, and deciphering uninteresting word". Lilian Katz

I have long believed that the development of a child does not begin the day he is born -or at age three - but much earlier, during the formative years of his parents. Edward Zigler, Ph.D

It is import to help children as much as possible about parenting to help prevent social problems like premature child bearing, and child neglect and abuse. Now that we know more about brain development in the very young, it is critical that we teach our future parents the important role that parents can play in stimulating and nuturing their children, and in preparing them to reach their full potential in school and in later life. Edward Zigler, Ph.D

Quotes from Educational Professionals in Wk 2 video segement

I want to fix all the injustices in the world. I want to make sure children are taught in an environment to grow and develop to their fullest abilities, and to create a save world. Louise Derman-Sparks

I bring child resources to parents that help them to go to school, and this helps parents and children to see their is more to life than just what is in their neighborhood. I am proud to know that I helped make a difference in a child life. Raymond Hernandez MSED

Its helps me to put my ego aside and help these children to succeed. Renatta M. Cooper

Growing up with my parents being involved in my education made me interested in working in the field of Early Childhood Education. Sandy Escobido

1 comment:

  1. Talae, great quotes!
    Lilian Katz’s quote “ Each of us must come to care about everyone else’s children….” I think that is huge! Our children’s success impacts positively on other children and by extension the wider society and our children’s failure impacts negatively on other children as well as the society. We must realize that a rippling effect occurs so whatever we do, we must be concerned about the greater good, therefore, we should seek to enhance the life chances of all children.
