Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Note of Thanks and Support

I want to thank all my fellow colleagues in Group 2. All of my fellow colleagues helped me to grow as a person, and gained new knowledge in the early childhood field. I enjoyed the eight weeks we spent together, and I am looking forward to working together again in future classes. Continue Sucess!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays


  1. Talae,
    We have shared our thoughts and ideas respectfully and encouragingly. We have supported each other and collaborated throughout the course. I now look forward for your continued support as we journey together.
    Have a blessed xmas and may the new year brings us great hope and joy.
    Thank You, Thank You!!

  2. Talae, thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences with me over the past 8 weeks. It was a great learning moment. We embraced the opportunity and I am certain we are better off for having done so. With eagerness we look forward to our future classes. I wish you all the best in our future courses. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  3. Talae,
    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts and aspriations with over the past two months in group two. I have enjoyed reading and learning from your post. I wish you the best in the future!

  4. Tale, Thank you for the thoughtful responses you have contributed to the class. I appreciate you for the blogs you have submitted and the thoughtful responses you have contributed to the class. I hope that you are very successful in your next class.
