Thursday, April 7, 2011

"My Supports"

My faith in God is my first support. Without God and his blessings each day, I would not be able to overcome many trials and tribulations throughout my life. I give God all the praise and the glory.

My family is my second support. My family is my rock and supports me throughout my life. My family has supported my decision to attend college. When my class schedule and work schedule get rough, my family is there to motivate me to hang in there! My family keeps me grounded and focus because I am the first person in the family to receive a degree  from college.

My colleague, Mrs. Lee is my third support. Mrs. Lee offer me support everyday at work. Mrs. Lee is always there give me a helping hand  or show me how to fix a bulletin board or draw a picture to use as a theme for a lesson plan for the week. I lack decorating and drawing skills. I appreciate all the help Mrs. Lee offers me throughout the school year.

The classroom children is my fourth support. The children in the classroom offer support on a daily basis because they are curious and ready to learn on a daily basis. It is important to help the young children to explore and discover the world around them. The children are at an age where learning is fun and exciting, and I get to be apart of their daily learning and development. It gives me great pleasure to know that I helping young children to build the foundation they will need to move to the next level of their education. On the first day of school, the children see me as a stranger, but at the end the children see me as apart of their family who loves and care for them. This is the reason that I want to continue to work in the field of early childhood education to help these children to become productive adults.

My friend, Deborah is my fifth. Although Deborah lives out of town, we have been friends since six grade. I call Deborah when I need someone to listen. We can talk for hours about anything and everything. I am grateful and happy to have such a wonderful friend. Thanks for being a true friend.

If I did not have any of my supports, my daily routine would be out of control and lonely. My faith keeps me grounded and humble. My family and friend are always there for me and life without them would be lonely and unbearable. At work, without the the support of  my colleague Mrs. Lee, my daily routine would be awkward, and I would feel useless. In other words, all supports are important because its helps to have more than one person to talk to concerning life lessons.



  1. Talae,
    As I was reading your post, I was thinking "we have so much in common". We both choose our faith first, family second and co-workers next. It was so ironic and that we had the same sequence in the things that are important to us. I just couldnt imagine life with my faith and my family. I'm truly blessed to have such an amazing family and great co-workers.

  2. Talae,

    You seem to have such a great support system, and your ability to recognize the specific supports is good. I feel we all need one great friend who has been there from almost the beginning to help us through our trials and tribulations.

    I tend to forget my support of my faith, and seeing your post reminded me of how I do rely on faith to help me accomplish my day.

  3. Talae,
    You placed a strong emphasis on your spirituality and this is quite amazing. Having faith in God is very important for those of us who believe. We believe that without faith a lot of the challenging experiences we were able to handle positively would not be possible. As we continue to struggle in our daily lives let us continue to trust and hold firm for everything is possible with God.
    Thanks for your post!

  4. Talae, My faith comes first too.I am so glad my parent introduce me to God. In this day and time we need The Lord. We do not know just how bless we are to have God heading up our support Team.
    Thanks for you post.
