Saturday, March 12, 2011

Reflection Relationship

"The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships."
 Anthony Robbins

People and positive relationships are: Grandparents, sister, and  friend (Deborah).

My grandparents played a special part in my life because they taught me alot about life lessons. My grandfather taught me a lot of about how to support yourself and how to treat people like I wanted to be treated. My grandmother taught me how to cook and it is better to give than receive. In other words, she was telling me it is okay to help people  who are less fortune than others. These are the type of morals that I use and remember when I am working with parents and children in the classroom.

My sister  is special to me because she is the person that I can depend at all times. We are have each other back. Our relationship is trustworthy, understanding, supportive, and solid as a rock. Also, my sister is the one person that I can communicate with anytime of the day or night.

My friend (Deborah), is special to me because we have been friends since six grade. We can talk about anything and everything. Although, Deborah lives in New Jersey and I live in Georgia, we still find time to communicate and talk about events that are going on in our lives. Deborah and I have a connection that have been tested over time. I am happy to have her in my life because friendships are hard to find and even harder to keep. I will always respect and love Deborah until the end of time.

My challenges developing, regarding, and maintaining relationships are: Not all relationships between people are going to be positive. Therefore, it is important to keep an open mind and not to judge people before establishing a relationship first. Also, it is important to accept and respect different backgrounds and cultures from people you encounter. Personally, I do not assume anything about anyone until I greet them and get to know them better.

My special characteristics of these relationships that make partnerships are: trust and respect. Without these to special characteristics the relationship will not develop and grow. Building trust among each other will make everyone feel comfortable and enjoy being around each other. Establishing respect among each other is a positive and healthy way to get along and be honest with each other.

My experiences working as an early childhood professional has helped me to create a partnership among parents and children that is positive, complex, and challenging. By working together with families and children will help me to establish a healthy learning environment.


  1. It is awesome to see that you have afriend that you are very close with since 6th grade. I can relate with that. I have a friend name Heidi that I met in England when I was in the 6th grade and she is the only friend to this day that I can call my best friend to the end. We establish a bond together for four years in our lives and then we split up when we returned to Ammerica and lost touch for 30 years but due to technology we found each other again and still we feel the same way about each other. She lives in Washington State and I am in Ohio by facebook, email and cell phones are our contacts. It is great and I love her to the end.

  2. Hi Talae,

    That's a great quote!! The types of relationships that we have can have a great impact on your life whether it is positive or negative so it's wise for us to always associate ourselves with positive people who are great leaders.

  3. Talae,
    Thanks for your sharing! It is amazing how some of us share similiar relationships. My sister is the same thing to me and I really appreciate you for recognitizing her for her friendships, trust and just being there. Stay close to her!

  4. Talae,
    I appreciate you stated that you don't prejudge a person. It is important for us in the EC field to remember this principle. We have did learn this week that we can not be biased working with families and the the children in our care.
