Thursday, June 2, 2011

Research Around the World

Early Childhood Australia:

What are some of the current international research topics:

Code of Ethics

Learning and Teaching Through Play

Respecting Diversity

Research in Practice Series: The Early Years

What surprising facts/insights/new ideas about early childhood did you gain from exploring this international early childhood website?

The first thing that I found was a subscription to a magazine "Every Child" which is great for students, childcare workers, parents, grandparents, or anyone who wants to keep up to date on events and developments around Australia that impact on children from birth to eight years or on the early childhood field in general. Another interesting link on this website is called the "Everyday Learning Series " which was created for simple,creative ideas to enhance children's interactions with the world around. Everyday Learning Series were aimed at parents, grandparents and carers of young children.

What other other noteworthy information did you find on this website?

The Resources themes link provided me with an interesting article on Child health and childhood obesity which have been the focus of a lot of attention in the early childhood care. These are just two of the many issues which impact on the health and well being of young children. The resource link found on the Early Childhood Australia has a number of quality-assured resources which cover important areas of growth and development for young children. Also, there a of a lot of online resources that deal with the issues of childhood obesity and  child health.


  1. I had looked at the web site and am thinking about finding a way to get that magazine. I have found a lot of interesting articles on there myself. I also like the article on obesity as well as education in general.

  2. Talae,
    Child's health is a popular one. There are many who are advocating for children's heath. It is important to note that Australia's goal for a healthy child is in alignment with the goals of improving the health of children in America. As we continue to focus on the healthy child let us be mindful of the goal of the National Children's study; "to improve the health and well-being of children and contribute to understanding the role various factors have on health and disease."
    Thanks for sharing!
