Saturday, August 13, 2011

Getting to Know Your International Contacts - Part 3

Although I have sent out a lot of e-mails in regards to establishing international contact with educators, I have been unsuccessful in receiving any responses. Unfortunately, I have to complete the alternate assignment.

The three areas on the web page that related to my goals and understanding are:

Views on Quality- this section discussed how early childhood care and education program should emphasise the child's holistic development. High quality childcare for disadvantaged children promotes motivation, confidence, good cognitive and linguistic development and school readiness. Although there are no universal standards for quality but offer some suggestions on ways to assure quality. This includes learning materials that are quantitative, culturally and developmentally adequate and focus on child-centered interaction. Also, active involvement from parents and communities and relevant play and learning materials ensure that early childhood services remain relevant to the needs of the children and all other stakeholders and increase sustainability (UNESCO, 2011).

Information they have on access for early childhood: In 1990, Jomtien Declaration of Education for All stated that learning begins at birth. Many countries are committed to expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education, especially, for disadvantaged children. Even though there is  access to care for the children in poor families, their is still a concern about sustainability and quality (UNESCO, 2011).

Gender Equality in Education- There is a powerful human rights argument and a strong case for achieving gender equality in education. When girls are educated, livelihoods are improved, education is valued, and civic responsibility is enhanced. Although the global expansion of primary education has brought greater gender parity, too many girls and women still remain excluded from learning. UNESCO is working to ensure quality inclusion education, concerning access, the learning environment and successful outcomes. The Organization, also, leads efforts to increase female literacy: a human right and a key to improving livelihoods, child and maternal health, as well as girls ' access to education, both in and out of schools (UNESCO, 2011).

All the information I gained from this website were very helpful because I believe that all children, regardless, of gender, economic background, and race should be allowed to receive an education.

1 comment:

  1. Thank Talae for your post. This organization seem powerful and is working to improve early childhood education and care.
