Saturday, August 20, 2011

Final Blog

As this course Issues and Trends in the Early Childhood Field comes to an end, I must say that all the articles, videos, audio segments, discussion questions, applications and comments from Dr. Klein and colleagues helped me to gain a lot of knowledge that I can continue to use throughout my professional career.

The three professional and personal learning consequences I learned that about all the current Issues and Trends in the early childhood field, the issue about poverty really hit home because my community consists of families who rely mostly on public assistance for daily survival, and the issue about facing cultural diversity and demographics within the classroom. This issue hit home, too. As an educator professional, it is my job to be prepared to help these children with diverse populations to live in this changing world (Boutte, 2008). By enrolling in a teacher preparation education program will help me tremendously to understand working with diverse children and families.

The three consequences I learned about the international early childhood field includes: I have a better understanding how other websites  in the world view early childhood education. The website Pre[K]now:,
 provided me with the most helpful information because it provided me with a variety of information for me as a growing and developing educator working with young children in pre-kindergarten. The final consequence of learning were about the strong sense of equity and justice means for the children and families worldwide who need early childhood care and education.

One goal for the field related to international awareness of issues and trends and the spirit of collegial relations would be continue to try and establish a international contact with a person from around the world. This would benefit me as I continue my journey in the early childhood field. By establishing contact with an international early childhood professional, it would help me to continue to grow and develop as an early childhood professional.


Boutte, G.S. (2008), Beyond the illusion of diversity: How early childhood teachers can promote social justice. Social Studies, 99(4), 165-173, Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Education Research Complete database.

Finally, I want thank all my colleagues and Dr. Klein for making this class interesting and exciting. I must say that I have learned a lot of helpful information that I will continue to use in the early childhood field. I am looking forward to work together with you in upcoming classes. As we continue our journey of learning together in the early childhood studies.


  1. Talae,

    I think establishing a international contact would be a great idea. I was disappointed that all of us experienced in trying to establish a contact. I too thought learning about poverty was very eye opening. I following Pre-K now also. If you have a twitter account, you get daily updates about issues in the field and have found it very informative. Best wishes in pursing your early childhood studies.

  2. Talae,

    It has been a pleasure to have the chance to be in a class with you again. Your blog assignments are insightful, and discussion posts helped deepen my understanding of issues and trends.

  3. Talae,
    The issues and trends in early childhood education might be challenging, but they are not impossible to tackle. Having a collaborative effort to take initiatives globally is one of the ways in spreading the maeeage that all children regardless of their economic ststus, theur cultural background; race, oolor, and language deserve quality education.

    Thanks for posting and I look forward to meeting you in the future courses.

  4. Talae,
    I must say that we have been provided with a wealth of information not only from collaborating with each other but for you it will include podcast, learning resources including a number of websites. This has been a life changing experience and I am certain you would have valued the experience as much as I did. We are all the more empowered on some of the issues facing the field of early childhood so we can make decisions based on the intended and unintended consequences and as such minimizing or eliminating serious blunders. All the best in your future courses!
