Friday, September 16, 2011

My Family Culture

The three items I would take with me are:

The last family picture taken together while my mom was alive. This family picture is very special to me because its represents a special time of love and happiness in my family. I would hang this special picture on the wall of my new home.

My family albums which holds a lot of pictures of my family throughout the years. I would make sure to pack this because it hold a lot of memories of  past birthdays, birth of my nieces, and nephew, friends and cousins, too.

My Bible because without reading the word and giving God praises; especially, during such a crisis in the world. My faith in God will guide my family and me through this terrible ordeal.

Taking time to think which one of these to keep would be impossible. All of these items are special and dear to me, and I would be lost and disappointed if I had to choose just one!

My insights I gained about myself is that my family is special, and I love them very much. I want to keep my family values, beliefs, and heritage alive to pass on to the future generations. Without my belief in God, my life would be in vain. This is a part of my culture and my family culture which has been passed from generation to generation through out my family.

1 comment:

  1. Talae,
    Thanks for sharing those experiences. It is amazing to know how different families are and how we perceive things differently. This exercise has brought on a deeper awareness and appreciation of other cultures.
