Sunday, December 11, 2011

Team Building and Collarboration, Part 1

This week, we learned about the five stages of team development: forming, storming, performing, and adjourning (Adudi, 2010).

The group that was the hardest for me to leave was the five member women group named the Classy Ladies. Our group spent a lot of happy times together where we celebrated birthdays, holidays, and cookouts together. Since we knew each other before, the forming staging stage worked well for all us. The rest of the stages: storming, performing, and adjourning stages went great together. All of us did our part to make sure our group worked toghether to make sure our parties, fundraisers and cookouts were a success. Our high performing group stayed together for ten years. As the group ended, as we got older and moved away, we cried, hugged, and exchanged e-mails. We all vowed to stay in touch and visit whenever possible.

When it is time to adjourn from my colleagues at Walden, it will be bitter sweet because we have worked together and learned  a lot through the discussion boards, blogs, and e-mails. Therefore, I hope we will decide to stay in touch as we continue our next journey in our lives. Also, I hope we will remember our happy times spent together.

The adjourning phrase is an essential stage to teamwork because it shows the team members how all their dedication and commitment were appreciate in the group. This gives them the opportunity to say good bye and wish each other well in the next step in their lives (Audi, 2010).


Abudi, G. (2010), The five stages of team development: a case study, Retrieved from


  1. Talae, The women group you were involved in sounds very exciting. I am sorry it had to end. However to hold on to the memories and staying in touch is the essential part of the adjournment for any committee, group or meeting.

  2. Talae,
    It sounds like you had a good group that you were working with. I had a group like that, and in this type of situation your groups can be both serious and have fun at the same time, and that is what I liked.
