Saturday, December 3, 2011

Nonviolent Communication and Conflict Management

This week I learned about various ways to deal with conflicts. I am going to share a personal conflict. My sister is having problems with her supervisor. The supervisor do not respect my sister becasue she demands her to do something, she expects my sister to get off her daily schedule and come do her job. This is the type conflict- power dynamics (when one person has power over another, that dynamic can cause one or both of the people to handle the conflict unproductively (O'Hair & Wiemann, 2009). In order to help my sister to solve this conflict, I would use two strategies which includes keeping the focus on the issue of the supervisor using her power to demand and expect my sister to do whatever she tells her to do. Therefore, it would be best to include cooperative strategies that would strive to benefit both parties. In addition, the supervisor would benefit from learning about the 3 R's. A demonstration from the 3 R's would help the supervisor to learn  the importance of being respectful of others.  


  1. Talae,
    It is very unfortunate that your sister has to experience this power conflict. In conflict and negotiation, it’s a common mistake to assume you have less power than the other person, particularly in workplace situations where the other person is your supervisor or someone in higher positional authority. You have chosen the cooperative strategy in helping with the situation, however, I thuink your sister should use the challenging strategy. She needs to defend herself and take a challenging approach. If her supervisor wants her to do whatever she wants her to do then your sister should demand that the supervisor does her own task and let demand her to it. The 3 R's you've mentioned would be most appropriate in handling this situation. Thus if they had a close bond both would feel confident of their love for each other that your sister will forgive the supervisor's selfish behavior and over looked it (O'Hair, & Wiemann, 2009).

  2. Talae,

    It is terrible your sister has to deal with that type of power conflict at her job. I agree with your choosing to use the cooperative strategies to deal with this conflict.
