Saturday, January 21, 2012

Gender, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation

How would you respond to those who belive that early childhood centers should avoid the inclusion of books depicting gay or lesbian individuals such as same-sex partnered families?

Living in today's society, working in the early childhood center; it is important that children are taught about all families units. Using books is one of the best ways to help our children understand that all people can be included in a family. These books makes it easy to see, accept, and respect differences in families living in today's soceity. In addition, this will eliminate any bias that these young children have grew up with about gays or lesbians.

How would you respond to a parent/family member who informed you they did not want anyone who is perceived as homosexual or transgender to be caring for, educating, and or interacting with their child?

I would explain to the parent or family member that the school board only hire qualified people that does not include their sexual preference. The highly qualified teachers are here to teach your children the curriculum. Also, I would explain just because your children are around teachers who are gay or lesbian are not going to influence your children to become gays or lesbians. In addition, I would give the parent or family member the option are withdrawing their children and enrolling them in another school.

In the public school where I work, one of the teachers are gay and I must say all the children have no problems with his sexual perference. In fact, all the children enjoy and learn a lot in his class. Also, This is a positive and healthy learning environment where the children and teacher respect and accept each other.


  1. Talae,
    Reading books that are inclusive of gays and lesbian families is an essential strategy for supporting children's self-esteem and for teaching children about diversity of families. Also it shows visibility of families. Children have perspectives on the topics and thus reading the books will help clarify misconceptions and negative views about gay and lesbian families.

    Thanks for posting!

  2. Talae,
    I agree that it important to use books to help children understand family units so that can have a visual as to how it is supposed to be. No matter how families are structured we cannot make them fell invisible. We do not what children to misinterpret family units because they are no exposed to it. Great post!

  3. Talae,
    When I was a child there was a teacher at my elementary school who was lesbian. I did not realize or think about her sexual preference. It was not until I was much older in age that I had the realization of her sexuality. My thoughts or feelings about this teacher did not change. All children have open minds until influences such as authority figures and societal acceptances change their views. To eliminate negative stereotypes we should encourage open minds to diversity.
