Saturday, February 11, 2012

Start Seeing Diversity Blog: "We Don't Say Those Words in Class!"

A time when you witnessed an adult (or yourself) reprimand or silence a child after he or she pointed out someone they saw as different

It happen when I took my five year old niece to the grocery store. She said in a loud voice "why is that woman dressed like a man?" I grabbed my niece and quickly left the grocery store. I told her that it was not nice to say things like that because it would hurt people feelings. Next time, when she someone looks different it would be best to ask me and I will tell you. Please use your inside voice.

What messages might have been communicated to this child by the adult's response

It is not nice to scream or say things that might hurt someone's feelings because they look or act different. Now that my niece is older, she tells her younger cousin, it is not nice to say bad things about people because it will hurt their feelings.

An example of how an anti-bias educator might have responded to support the child's (or classroom's) understanding

The anti-bias educator would have took the time to address the issue in a calmer way without leaving the store in a hurry. The anti-bias educator would listen to the child and ask questions about why and how she knew the woman was dress like a man. It would be a good time to use a book about lesbians and Gays. Hopefully, this would be a positive and healthy way to introduce this child about different lifestyles of men and women.


  1. Talae,
    Children use their observation to make sense of what they see. Some may say it verbally, while others may not. It is only when they understand differences and similarities among people they would be able to construct healthy positive, and respectful attitudes to others.

  2. Talae,
    I think that at the moment sometimes you can go in shock and at a lost for words. Therefore, I do think it is a situation that most people are ready for. Cheryl

  3. Talae,
    It is so funny reading your post because this weekend I was in the movie theatre and this little child was crying and did not want to use the restroom. When her mom asked her why, she said because it was a man in here. When the person walked out of the of the bathroom stall we realized that it was indeed a woman. By the time the woman walked out the door the security guards were there asking her for her I.D. The woman was so mad but in today's society we have to be respectful of people's life choices and treat them like normal people.
