Saturday, November 26, 2011

Who am I as a Communicator

This week assignment was very interesting and intriguing. My evaluators includes my sister and friend. All of the three assessments produced the same results. However, the communication anxiety inventory scores were slightly different. My communication anxiety score fell into the moderate category, and my sister and friend scores fell into the mild category. This surprise me the most because I am pertified to speak in front of a large crowd. I perfer to speak in a smaller crowd. I have always been shy and quiet, but since I have grown up; I have made remarkable improvements to overcome this problem.

One insight I gained this week is that I am empathetic listener and concerned with emotions for others. The listening styles results also helped me to learn that I am people oriented, too. This can be very helpful while working in the early childhood field because families and children needs us to be good and caring listeners. The final insight I gained is that communication is important to everyone concerned.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Communication and Culture

Do you find yourself communicating differently with people from  different groups and cultures?

Yes, sometimes I find myself communicating differently with people from different groups and cultures. With my family, communication brings me the most comfort because we have trust, respect, and understanding for each other. With my family, they listen and I can talk about my good and sad times in my life. This type of family environment helps me feel secure, love, and happy. On the other hand, I communicate differently with people that have a different religious belief because I was born and raised as a Baptist Christian. Sometimes, my beliefs as a Baptist Christian is different from others religions. When I meet people who religious beliefs are different, I listen to what they are talking about, but I do not believe what they are telling me about the reason I should change my religious beliefs.

The three strategies I could use to help me to communicate more effectively with the people or groups I have identified includes developing good listening skills, learning and respecting other people cultures, and understanding.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Communication Skills: Language, Nonverbal, Listening

The television show I chose to watch is Full House. Viewing the show with no sound, I could tell that the three men and two girls and a baby girl were a family who loved each other very much. I could tell one of the men were the girls father. When the girls entered the room, all three of them ran over and gave the man a kiss and a hug. Also, I could tell that all the men were friends because of their facial expressions they used when watching the football game. When the cousin came to visit, I could tell all of the girls were happy and excited to see him.  The girls ran to hug their cousin, but the oldest girl facial expression helped me to see that she was really happy and glad he came for a visit.

When I watched the show with the volume on did improve my assumptions. The three men were friends and the two girls and baby girl were living as a family who loved each other very much. One of the men were the girls father because they did express emotions for each other. The words and facial expressions, and body language proved they were happy and excited to be living together. In addition, when the cousin came for a visit the oldest daughter were the most happy he came to visit because he was her best friend while growing up.

What I learned from this blog assignment, we can make assumptions from facial expressions, words, and body language. As an effective communicator, we need to be aware of how we use and express our body language.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

What is Communication

The one person that is a competent communicator is a politician, the President of the United States Barack Obama. He demonstrates the ability to express his feelings and the rights of others. Lately, the press and media have talked negatively about the way President Obama is handling  the economy. He stills addressing his speeches with dignity, confidence, and honesty, and he speaks with a calm and intelligent voice. These type of behaviors that make him an effective competent communicator.

Therefore, I would like to develop and model some of my own communication behaviors after him because I would like to portrait some of the confidence and dignity that will help me to be sure of myself. In addition, this will help others people to see my confidence which will help me to become an effective competent communicator.