Thursday, November 17, 2011

Communication and Culture

Do you find yourself communicating differently with people from  different groups and cultures?

Yes, sometimes I find myself communicating differently with people from different groups and cultures. With my family, communication brings me the most comfort because we have trust, respect, and understanding for each other. With my family, they listen and I can talk about my good and sad times in my life. This type of family environment helps me feel secure, love, and happy. On the other hand, I communicate differently with people that have a different religious belief because I was born and raised as a Baptist Christian. Sometimes, my beliefs as a Baptist Christian is different from others religions. When I meet people who religious beliefs are different, I listen to what they are talking about, but I do not believe what they are telling me about the reason I should change my religious beliefs.

The three strategies I could use to help me to communicate more effectively with the people or groups I have identified includes developing good listening skills, learning and respecting other people cultures, and understanding.


  1. Talae,
    Thanks for posting!
    Listening skills allow one to make sense of and understand what another person is saying. In other words, listening skills allow you to understand what someone is "talking about" Having those skills will help us to build good rapport with people from different culture, show our support, and answer questions objectively.

  2. Talae,

    When communicating with my own family and friends I tend to use improper English because I feel comfortable with them. You can talk about whatever because of the bond you have with each other. As I communicate with others outside of my family I use proper English because I do not want to be judged. Society places this impression that black who speak improper English are “ghetto” without getting to know who we really are. I hope that one day I can communicate in the same manner no matter what one's race is.

  3. Talae, It is great to feel comfortable talking to family in a way that we grew up learning. It is also awesome to be able to separate the language we use at home when we are around others. I believe listening is the skill of accomplishing great communicating skills. Great Post!

  4. Talae,

    You discussed some great ideas on effective communication with other cultures. Listening and respecting other cultures is an important skill to utilize when working with different cultures.

  5. Talae,
    The situational and the relational contexts determine how we use language. Family represents that secure environment that facilitates informal communication because of the bond that has been established with family members. It also speaks to the high level of comfort enjoyed. You can identify with those positive attributes in your family and that is significant. O’Hair & Wiemann (2009) noted that we use high language for more formal gatherings and low language (including slangs) for more comfortable environments such as the family.

    O’Hair, D. & Wiemann, M. (2009). Real communication: An introduction. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s.
