Saturday, November 5, 2011

What is Communication

The one person that is a competent communicator is a politician, the President of the United States Barack Obama. He demonstrates the ability to express his feelings and the rights of others. Lately, the press and media have talked negatively about the way President Obama is handling  the economy. He stills addressing his speeches with dignity, confidence, and honesty, and he speaks with a calm and intelligent voice. These type of behaviors that make him an effective competent communicator.

Therefore, I would like to develop and model some of my own communication behaviors after him because I would like to portrait some of the confidence and dignity that will help me to be sure of myself. In addition, this will help others people to see my confidence which will help me to become an effective competent communicator.


  1. Talae,
    Thanks for your insights!
    I can endorse Present Obama as a competent communicator as well. He reminds me of one of Grenada's former Prime Minister, Maurice Bishop. He was truthful, persuasive, honest and spoke with confidence. He had the ability to adapt effectively to any situatio. The reason why so many emulated him. Your President is similar in his communication skills in many ways to our former Prime Minister.

  2. Talae,

    While I do not agree with President Obama, I do agree that he is an elequent speaker and can speak effectively.

    He is well versed on when at the podium and addressing issues.

  3. Great choice Talae. President Obama is a very effective speaker as he is very precise and efficient when he speaks. His tone captures everyone attention and he always make direct contact. Direct eye contact can allow one to feel connected to one another as they speak. Enjoyed your post as always!
