Saturday, November 12, 2011

Communication Skills: Language, Nonverbal, Listening

The television show I chose to watch is Full House. Viewing the show with no sound, I could tell that the three men and two girls and a baby girl were a family who loved each other very much. I could tell one of the men were the girls father. When the girls entered the room, all three of them ran over and gave the man a kiss and a hug. Also, I could tell that all the men were friends because of their facial expressions they used when watching the football game. When the cousin came to visit, I could tell all of the girls were happy and excited to see him.  The girls ran to hug their cousin, but the oldest girl facial expression helped me to see that she was really happy and glad he came for a visit.

When I watched the show with the volume on did improve my assumptions. The three men were friends and the two girls and baby girl were living as a family who loved each other very much. One of the men were the girls father because they did express emotions for each other. The words and facial expressions, and body language proved they were happy and excited to be living together. In addition, when the cousin came for a visit the oldest daughter were the most happy he came to visit because he was her best friend while growing up.

What I learned from this blog assignment, we can make assumptions from facial expressions, words, and body language. As an effective communicator, we need to be aware of how we use and express our body language.


  1. Talae,

    I loved this show when I was growing up and watched it constantly, I even watch it now if I get the chance!

    Being aware of body language and our expressions is very important when communicating with others

  2. Talae,

    I have seen and have also grown up with the show Full house. I would have to agree with Cassie and with your posting that body language is very important.

  3. Talae, I agree with you too. Our nonverbal behavior is more important than our verbal, because the nonverbal shows our true feelings. We have to be very careful with our body language when communicating with others.

  4. Talae,

    Non-verbal behavior can be very telling. When I am upset, even though I try to hide it, my body language gives me away everytime. I think it is especailly important to be careful of our body language when working with children and families.
